Find My PTB Number
Sworn officers attending a Mobil Team Unit (MTU) sponsored class must sign in using their police training board identification (PTB ID). Search for yours below.
If you are a sworn law enforcement officer in Illinois, you were issued a PTB ID by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board (ILETSB) when your agency submitted a Form E.
If you change agencies during your career, you maintain the same PTB ID number throughout your career.
Civilian L.E. staff, and members of the Illinois State Police, have not been issued this number by ILETSB.
posted November 17, 2015
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY……. ILETSB has completed the transition you were previously notified of, and as of today, all police/corrections training academies (including all MTU's) may no longer use any portion of the social security administration numbers (SSANs).
All MTU training classes and law enforcement academies must now use the police training board identification (PTB ID). This is a unique number generated by the LEDI computer system and this change will enhance the security of an officers' personal information.
In both the full time & part time basic law enforcement academies and MTU in service training settings, you/officers will be asked to use the PTB ID number rather than SSANs.
When an agency hires a recruit officer, the submission of Form E to the ILETSB triggers the generation of this PTB ID and this identification number is issued to that officer to be used throughout their career to track their movement and training. It applies to both law enforcement officers (LEOs) and corrections officers (COs).
Training academies will now ask agencies for the recruits PTB ID number. When an agency submits a FORM E, there may be a few days’ delay in the number being issued so agencies should submit the FORM E as soon as possible. This is more of an issue for the full time & part time basic law enforcement courses.
Closed source method- A complete listing of your officers PTB ID numbers is easy to obtain by agency personnel with access to LEDI. Registered users can find a list your personnel listing with PTB numbers on your agency's personnel roster.
Open source method- Officers can find their own PTB number on the ILETSB website ( The system tracks the last 18 months of employment. Officers may type in their name and see their PTB ID number - if you are an active officer or were active within the past 18 months.
If you change agencies you maintain the same PTB ID number throughout your career.
The website lookup function is "open" - so the public can look at them as well, but the number tells them nothing of an officer’s personal identification info.
MTU class sign-ins
Officers need to come to MTU classes knowing their PTB ID and they will be using it for the rest of their career.
Visit PTB ID Finder