Line of Duty Death Benefits & Sample Policies

ScreenThis link contains detailed information about the Public Safety Officers Benefits Program (PSOB) and all other federal, state, local and privately provided benefits that may be available to survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in Illinois.Each benefit has different eligibility criteria. Survivors may or may not be eligible to receive certain benefits based on each benefit's specific criteria. Questions about specific benefits should be directed to the organization providing the benefit. Click here to print a checklist of all benefits on this page. 

Sample Model Policy/Forms/Handbook for Line Of Duty Deaths/Injuries

Line of Duty Deaths-Model Policy - Active Officer Death

National C.O.P.S.- Line of Duty Death Policy - Active Officer Death

National C.O.P.S. -Line of Duty Death Death Policy 2 - Active Officer Death

LAPD Funeral Protocol - Revised 7-10-08 - Line of Duty /Active /Retired / Civilian / Family member Death

FWLS- L.E.- Fire LODD Handbook- Vary Extensive guidance on all aspects 

Sample Line of Duty Death Information Form- All Officers should have one of these continually updated in a sealed envelope at the PD 

Chief's Prevention of Line of Duty Deaths-NCPVAP Brochure final

Officer Public Safety Officer Benefit Emergency Cards

PSOB Disability Claim Checklist