40 hr. Lead Homicide Investigator-Rockford
Waiting List
Ends On: Friday, October 4, 2024
Registration Deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
NITAB Training Room
Rockford, IL 61108
Members' Fee: $0
Sworn Non-Members' Fee: $0
Non-Members' Fee: $0
Civil Rights (7 Hours)
Constitutional/Proper use of Law Enforcement Authority (3 Hours)
Cultural Competency (1 Hours)
Human Rights (2 Hours)
Legal Updates (2 Hours)
Procedural Justice (3 Hours)
Lead Homicide Investigator (40 Hours)
Class Dates: September 30-March 4, 2024
This class is co-sponsored with MTU2 - limited seats for MTU1
This training module will provide the attendee with the skills and competency to conduct complete and thorough homicide investigations with prosecutorial merit. Additionally, the attendee will be provided with the skills to recognize and handle other types of death investigations, bringing them to a successful conclusion.
At the beginning of the class a case will be examined through discussion, question and answers, as well as an evaluation of evidence discovered by student observations. After the discussion the students will evaluate whether the classification of the case should be accidental death, suicide, or homicide.
The class will cover three basic steps in all homicide investigations: Crime Scene, Follow-up, and Case Courtroom presentation.
This course will provide participants with an in-depth and step-by-step processes handling of high-profile major incidents most affecting communities, including, but not limited to, investigating cases of multiple homicides, crimes of violence against vulnerable populations.
Actual case studies will be presented to illustrate the points and practices to emphasize the relevance to successfully resolving cases.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Identify terms related to death investigations such as accidental death, homicide, reckless homicide, and use of force in defense of person.
Identify the different types of death investigations and the proper investigative approach to each type.
Identify the legal requirements investigators must adhere to in reference to interrogations in certain death investigations.
Identify the standards that investigators must adhere to in reference to evidence collection and packaging.
Describe the investigator's responsibilities when responding to a death scene.
Identify situations in which electronic recording of suspects statements are required by state statute.
Identify additional investigative resources available to the criminal investigator in death investigations.
Demonstrate proper evidence identification and collection
Explain the proper procedure for conducting interviews and interrogations that are legally sound and effective.
Explain the use of appropriate investigative resources.
Discuss the pitfalls and pinnacles of homicide investigations.
Explain the importance of proper evidence collection.
Explain the significant differences between child death, crime-related homicide, drug related homicide, sexual-related homicide, and family-related homicide cases.
Discuss and apply search and seizure issues relevant to homicide investigations.
Identify the differences between custodial and non-custodial interrogations.
Apply protective measures to crime scenes.
Identify measures taken to develop sound victim and offender profiles.
Explain the legal and ethical ramifications of investigators sharing photos, videos or reports of homicide investigations.
Describe the importance of the timeline of the crime.
Explain the role of the coroner or medical examiner in the investigation.
All registrations BY MTU1 MEMBERS are received on the MTU#1 website.