Acting Patrol Officer In Charge-Freeport
Ends On: Friday, November 15, 2024
Registration Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Stewart Center West
Freeport, IL
Members' Fee: $0
Sworn Non-Members' Fee: $0
Non-Members' Fee: $0
PURPOSE OF COURSE: This two-day course has been designed to meet the practical needs of the uniformed patrol officer who has supervisory responsibilities.
COURSE OVERVIEW: This program will challenge the Officers-in-Charge and Field Training Officers to evaluate their leadership styles within the context of the patrol setting. Management of numerous patrol challenges will be discussed within a highly interactive setting. Safe and proper responses to these situations will be particularly stressed.
COURSE GOALS: The main goal of this course is to provide a forum in which students may evaluate their personal leadership styles as well as their responses to various patrol challenges faced by the Officers in Charge. The training will be broken into the following segments, each with the own goals.
LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT-This block of instruction will provide students with an opportunity to examine their own leadership behaviors and styles through the completion of individualized written assessment tools.
PROCEDURAL CHALLENGES-Review important considerations when handling such situations and that of an Officer In Charge would effectively respond to various patrol incidences
INITIAL RESPONSE TO UNUSUAL OR VIOLENT DEATHS- This unit of instruction provides students with an overview of death scene management while specifically focusing on effective “first responder” actions which aid follow-up investigators.
RESPONSE TO CRITICAL INCIDENTS- This block of instruction will outline a review of the proper response to critical incidents and the corresponding responsibilities of the Acting Patrol Officer in Charge.
CASE STUDIES- This unit of instruction provides students with opportunities to examine 18 different case studies during small group sessions. These exercises will facilitate recognition and use of appropriate decision-making processes an O.I.C. must employ in each scenario.
REVIEW & SUMMARY-This unit of instruction provides students with opportunities to examine 18 different case studies during small group sessions. These exercises will facilitate recognition and use of appropriate decision-making processes an O.I.C. must employ in each scenario.