Close Quarter Battle for First Responders-Rockford

Waiting List

What is the third letter in this sentence?
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Registration Deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Instructor Location:
Winnebago Co. Criminal Justice Center
650 West State Street
Rockford, IL
Instructor: Jared Smith

Members' Fee: $0
Sworn Non-Members' Fee: $0
Non-Members' Fee: $0

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class and it’s POIs are intended to teach a baseline level of knowledge on room entry and structure clearing for 2 and 4 man teams. While applicable to them, this is not a SWAT or operators class, but is geared toward patrol officers, SROs, and others who will be the first responders. Topics discussed are speed of movement (deliberate, hasty, dynamic), threshold assessments, the meter rule, sectors of fire, not overpenetrating rooms, plates and barrels, and other fundamentals. Students will understand the “search to contact” and “move to contact” styles of movement. Scenarios, force on paper, and force on paper will be done througout the day to pressure test skills.


COURSE GOALS: The goals of this course are as follows:


  • To teach a deliberate, hasty, and dynamic approach to room/structure clearing.
  • To provide a baseline knowledge of proper searching techniques within structures.
  • To show and explain the difference in cover and concealment.
  • To teach a proper threshold assessment of the room from the outside.
  • To show the proper movement of 2 and 4 man teams.
  • To show the difference of search to contact vs. move to contact.

METHODS OF EVALUATION: Student participation. Students will be shown methods in a crawl, walk, run teaching methodology, with instructors explaining, demonstrating, and then the student repping the tactics through force on paper and force on force drills.


METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: This course is conducted using the following methods of instruction:


  • PowerPoint
  • Lecture
  • Instructor Demo
  • Student Participation
  • Scenario based drills