Alcohol Compliance Check Investigations-Dekalb

Registrations are closed for this event
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Instructor Location:
Dekalb Police Department
700 W. Lincoln Highway,

Dekalb, IL
Instructor: Kenneth Williams
Illinois Liquor Commission

Members' Fee: $0
Sworn Non-Members' Fee: $0
Non-Members' Fee: $0

Instructor:       Kenneth Williams, Illinois Liquor Control Commission

         Length of Training:

         4 Hours

          In-class lecture

In-class review of snident handout materials In-class general discussion

Completion of post-test


            Handout Material:                 Alcohol Compliance Check Investigations Resource Guide, Model

           Policy Guidelines, lllinois Compiled Statutes - Enforcement Actions (235 ILCS 5/6-16.1)

           Training Objective:                Upon completion of this course, training participants will learn:

.,    Best practices for compliance check preparation, investigation, and post operation

  • Legal foundation & Model Policy Guidelines for compliance check investigations

  • Key elements of an effective compliance check investigation

  • The scope of the problem at a national & local level


Covered Mandates:                Law Updates

{How are they covered'?)       Module 2 is dedicated to the review of Illinois Compiled Statutes -

Enforcement Actions (235 ILCS 5/6-16.1)

JLCS 235 516-16.1 Allows for both retailers and local law e1iforceme12t to conduct compliance checks to ensure compliance with 1he State Liquor Code.

  • Require Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board to develop a Jv[odel Policy and Guidelines.for conducting compliance checks.

  • Requires individuals assigned to supervise compliance checks be trained in a course approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.

Requires a community's governing body to approve the guidelines to be used by that community.

Module 2 also discusses the elements of entrapment along with case law defining entrapment and what constitutes a legal compliance check operation.


Evaluation Process:

           Students will be requited to demonstrate knowledge of all course materials.  Additionally, the instructor will evaluate students comprehension and terention of course topecs based on their participation in 

           discussions conductoed druing the course.  Evalations forms copleted by each student will provide feedback to prevent first and MTU on the quality of the course content and the instructors effictiveness

           in deliveiring this content.

          Training Summary:

           Students will be required to demonstrate knowledge of all course materials. Additionally, the instructor will evaluate students' comprehension and retention of course topics based on their participation in discussions                    conducted dming the course.

 Evaluation forms completed by each student will provide feedback to Prevention First and MTU on the quality of the course content and the instructor's effectiveness in deliveiing this content.

           Compliance checks are a foundation of any good alcohol enforcement initiative. These checks must be done fairly and

con-ectly to encourage compliance with alcohol service laws. This session provides info1mation on conditions that merit the use of compliance checks as well as policies and procedures for conducting these operations within state guidelines. At the completion of this session, participants will be certified by the State of Jllinois to supervise compliance check operations within their community as required by state law.

Participants will learn:

  • The legal foundation that allows compliance checks to be conducted

  • Step-by-step information for conducting compliance check operations in communities

  • State standards for conducting compliance checks and examples of model policies to ensure consistency in performance

Course Outline Introduction

Module 1

  • Course Objectives

  • National & State Data

  • Financial Consequences of Underage Drinking

  • What, Why, and Benefits of Alcohol Compliance Checks

  • Evidence of Effectiveness


  • Illinois laws regarding Alcohol Compliance Checks

  • Illinois Model Policy Guidelines

  • Entrapment Defense

  • Compliance Check Best Practices Introduction - Preparation

    • Community Leaders

    • Prosecutors, Courts, & Regulatory Agencies

    • Alcohol Industry/Retailers

         Module 3

        Compliance Check Best Practices - Preparation

         Recruitment & Age Verification

         Volunteering Training Best Practices & Documentation of Volunteers

          Location Selection Best Practices

         Compliance Check Best Practices Protocols & Procedures for Pre-Operation


  • Conducting Compliance Check Best Practices

  • Post Compliance Check Best Practices

  • Media Relations Conclusion, Test & Evaluation